Building Safety and Resilience in the Pacific (BSRP) project Disaster Reduction Programme
Geoscience Division (GSD formerly SOPAC).
The BSRP project is located within the Geoscience Division of the Pacific Community (SPC). The project unit is part of the GSD division (formerly) SOPAC. Please contact us for any enquiries regarding the project, the work being implemented by countries or any questions you may have. Postal: Private Mail Bag, GPO, Suva, Fiji Islands
BSRP Project - Geo-science Division
Postal Address: Private Mail Bag, GPO, Suva, Fiji Islands.
Street Address: 241 Mead Road, Nabua, Suva, Fiji Islands.
Phone: +679 3381377 ext 36223
Fax : +679 3370 040
Email: [email protected]